"In view of the party’s devastating defeats in Chinese majority seats, the party’s CWC decided that Wong should not accept any state cabinet post since the Chinese community had rejected their representation in the government."
SUPP Sibu...Please clarify.What is your stand on the status of Lee Kim Shim?He's still an assistant minister in Sarawak state cabinet. As I know, SUPP's stand is not to have any Chinese representative in state cabinet due to total rejection by Chinese community during the last state election.But if Lee is to remain in SUPP, he should quit his assistant minister post. Otherwise,SUPP should be fair to issue him a warning letter or sack him immediately.
ReplyDelete算算車房內幾架豪華車. 最少三架.
再分析一下黃老母對媒體的發言: "我想, 他做的是對的事情, 是為了詩巫人民的好. 他甚至放棄之前的高薪工作, 出任巿議會署理主席, 月薪只有3000令吉左右." 換言之,
1. 黃秀才把聯合學院搞垮, 以一零吉賤價出售後, 不但沒被炒魷魚, 反而還有高薪照拿, 不用去當小販謀生, 受盡乳臭味幹的小土官的故意刁難. 有這麼好的免費午餐吃, 真是人生一流享受, 好世界!
2. 黃老母漏嘴, 說了真心話, 認為月薪三千不算高, 難養家. 她這漏嘴就給她寶貝老公白毛走狗老黃爸找麻煩. 白毛說過砂拉越再生能源走廊將會提高平均月薪至2030年的三千. 照白毛的道理, 現在的月薪三千就算是高薪了. 黃老母"一鳴驚人", 拆了自己老公和白毛的後台. 既然賣國陣高級領袖的家人都不相信賣國陣的計劃, 那就難怪老百姓不賣賣國陣政客的帳囉!
ReplyDelete"In view of the party’s devastating defeats in Chinese majority seats, the party’s CWC decided that Wong should not accept any state cabinet post since the Chinese community had rejected their representation in the government."
SUPP Sibu...Please clarify.What is your stand on the status of Lee Kim Shim?He's still an assistant minister in Sarawak state cabinet. As I know, SUPP's stand is not to have any Chinese representative in state cabinet due to total rejection by Chinese community during the last state election.But if Lee is to remain in SUPP, he should quit his assistant minister post. Otherwise,SUPP should be fair to issue him a warning letter or sack him immediately.