Instead of praising Miri, he simply implied Sibu does not deserve to be a city.
首长:拥各方条件 美里升市实至名归
Saturday, 22 May 2010 08:21
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wong Soon Koh
If Wong Soon Koh keeps bullying the opposition in the State Assembly, he will not just be defeated, but will be knocked out miserably in the coming state election. He has not learned from the recent defeat of his party in Sibu.
How can they simply bully our representatives who were elected by us? It is a direct bullying on the people. After being granted the job by his cousin, it is 20+ years. It is too long enough to corrupt a person like him. He has all that he wanted.
Wong Soon Koh led the BN team for the recent Sibu b'U'y-election. He made the prime minister lost so badly especially after the prime minister has pledged additional 5 juta the night before the polling with the most well-known Rejang Park speech. Wong Soon Koh would have been sent to the guillotine for this defeat if it were the middle-age China or Europe. In modern world, he would have accepted the defeat and judgement of the people. He would have taken full responsibility by stepping down or retiring from politics like what Wong Soon Kai has done. Instead, the man showed no shame.
How can they simply bully our representatives who were elected by us? It is a direct bullying on the people. After being granted the job by his cousin, it is 20+ years. It is too long enough to corrupt a person like him. He has all that he wanted.
Wong Soon Koh led the BN team for the recent Sibu b'U'y-election. He made the prime minister lost so badly especially after the prime minister has pledged additional 5 juta the night before the polling with the most well-known Rejang Park speech. Wong Soon Koh would have been sent to the guillotine for this defeat if it were the middle-age China or Europe. In modern world, he would have accepted the defeat and judgement of the people. He would have taken full responsibility by stepping down or retiring from politics like what Wong Soon Kai has done. Instead, the man showed no shame.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Frog control
Sibu needs a flood control system, but Malaysia needs a reasonable frog control system.
There are some unethical politicians who were elected because they were in Pakatan Rakyat, yet they jumped because of personal financial interests offered by the Barisan Nasional. We need to teach these politicians a lesson. Of course we can wait until next election to cast our votes, but I think we can do something better before their term is over.
Can the PR controlled states first pass a law allowing the boss (we, the people) to remove the wakil rakyat at anytime during their tenure, if we can have signatures from more than half the voters? Can such decision be made by the state assembly instead of the election commission?
There are some unethical politicians who were elected because they were in Pakatan Rakyat, yet they jumped because of personal financial interests offered by the Barisan Nasional. We need to teach these politicians a lesson. Of course we can wait until next election to cast our votes, but I think we can do something better before their term is over.
Can the PR controlled states first pass a law allowing the boss (we, the people) to remove the wakil rakyat at anytime during their tenure, if we can have signatures from more than half the voters? Can such decision be made by the state assembly instead of the election commission?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Political Analysts
Sibu b'U'y election produced a vast group of political analysts. Most of them are fresh. Some of them have been to Sibu for the first time and still some have never been to Sibu. By the way Najib has been to Sibu for three times and he said he knows about Sibu - we need 5 million ringgit!
They all gave their claims over the opposition victory. It is interesting to see how they torn Sibu into different pieces and analyse it. But the nice job was done after the election. These could be perfect and a part of academic exercise.
But how many of them were able to do a perfect job before the b'U'y election? No one had satisfied us with the prediction. I afraid you all understood just a part of Sibu, and not its heart.
Sit down in the kopi-tiam and the average Sibu people can give you a better answer. They know all the ins and outs.
I want to see more predictions before the election rather than perfect analyses after the election. So please go ahead to predict the next coming state or parliamentary election.
They all gave their claims over the opposition victory. It is interesting to see how they torn Sibu into different pieces and analyse it. But the nice job was done after the election. These could be perfect and a part of academic exercise.
But how many of them were able to do a perfect job before the b'U'y election? No one had satisfied us with the prediction. I afraid you all understood just a part of Sibu, and not its heart.
Sit down in the kopi-tiam and the average Sibu people can give you a better answer. They know all the ins and outs.
I want to see more predictions before the election rather than perfect analyses after the election. So please go ahead to predict the next coming state or parliamentary election.
beauty contest as part of election campaign

SUPP used this beauty contest as part of the election campaign. Wong Soon Koh appeared in the function at RH Hotel to address these beauties.
It ended up as a joke because the organiser gave the Taiwanese beauty a sash TAIWAN CHINA, which roused anger by the Taiwanese government. The beauty had to quit over the pressure of the Taiwanese Foreign Ministry.
竞选期进入第4天,32位2010年国际旅游小姐比赛佳丽正式入驻诗巫市,为补选增添一道“漂亮的风景”。警方也再度传召行动党党员录取口供,调查一场早 已获得警察准证的集会,公青团则投报该党讲座场地东主遭国阵竞选人员恐吓。
32名来自不同国家的佳丽,是在今日中午正式抵达诗巫市最豪华 的常青酒店,以宣传下周在美里举行的2010年国际旅游小姐比赛。他们预料将会逗留两天,然后就会在周四出发到美里。
这些打扮漂亮和火辣的佳丽一出现,就顿时引发竞 选工作人员、媒体与公众的关注和兴奋,同时也捉紧机会与他们合照。
一名记者甚至笑称,这项活动所引起的兴奋,甚至是超越提名日的热潮,全 城似乎都在等待她们的到访。
常青酒店也是砂州国阵这次补选设立的竞选总部,以及新闻部设立的媒体中心地点,因此是许多记者、竞选人员与高 官频密出入之处。
黄 顺舸尽管在致辞时没有触及补选,但是他却一身国阵制服,让这场记者会也增添了拉票的意味。
NONE他也欢迎这些佳丽到访,并介绍诗巫别称“天鹅 城”,是因为这里以前是不漂亮的城镇,犹如丑小鸭一般,但随后却蜕变为美丽的天鹅。
披TAIWAN CHINA肩帶 被爆矮化國格
〔記者謝文華、許紹軒/台北—馬來西亞越洋採訪〕馬來西亞阿拉力克公司(ALARIC’S PRODUCTIONS COMPANY)六日至二十日,於馬來西亞沙勞越舉辦「二○一○洲際旅遊小姐選拔(MISS TOURISM INTERCONTINENTAL)」,為台灣小姐披掛「TAIWAN CHINA」肩帶,遭民眾踢爆矮化國格。
張明珠昨天上午致電外交部新聞處,要求外交部應向主辦單位表達抗議。她憂心,過去赴外選美,台灣能接受的最底線是「CHINESE TAIPEI」,若外交部不抗議,未來國際選美賽事恐循此模式,台灣在選美舞台上,將永遠淪為中國的一部分!
這項賽事現正進行到親善訪問、媒體爆光階段,民眾向本報爆料,在「當今大馬」馬來西亞當地新聞網刊登的照片,台灣小姐身上竟披掛「TAIWAN CHINA」肩帶。
阿拉力克接受本報記者電話採訪時表示,台灣小姐叫「陳ㄆㄟˋㄧㄥˊ」,被追問肩帶一事,阿拉力克只重複說了「Taiwan China」,未解釋說明就把電話掛上,不再接聽。
民進黨立委陳瑩認為,不論參賽者態度、觀念為何,外交部都應向主辦單位表達抗議。對於陳小姐認為披「TAIWAN CHINA」肩帶沒有不妥,陳瑩感嘆,陳小姐國家認同錯亂,顯示出國家在建立台灣認同的教育上非常失敗,再加上中國無時無刻用各種正面、負面的方式「同化」台灣,這是很嚴重的事,未來台灣派到國外的參賽者,都應該先上一堂「台灣認同課」,導正觀念再踏出國門。
遭批不愛國 余祥銓女友淚眼退賽 【5/19 19:27】
〔本報訊〕立委余天兒子余祥銓的女友Amanda,因為披著「Taiwan China」肩帶參加選美,遭批「不愛國」,據傳Amanda因為不堪外界的壓力,已經決定退出比賽。
人在馬來西亞參加選美的Amanda,因為披著「Taiwan China」的肩帶現身鏡頭前,遭網友批評,甚至引發政壇口水戰。但余祥銓的母親李亞萍表示,Amanda到馬來西亞後承受很大壓力,每天都以淚洗面,18日晚間兩人視訊通話,就看到Amanda把眼睛都哭腫了,為了平息爭議,Amanda也決定退賽,今日就會從馬來西亞返回台灣。
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
BN should benefit from the defeat
It was quite a surprise that the BN accepted the defeat graciously. If by usual ways, they would have always blamed the people. The local BN politicians, those from Sibu and Sarawak, are trying to be careful in their comments because they have the big brother Najib in mind. Since the big brother Najib has indicated that the campaign lacked creativity and not energetic, anything may be expected to hit their heads as a result of the defeat (Najib said, 'machinery there is still operating in the old ways when they are supposed to be more creative and energetic').
The BN Chinese parties, such as MCA and SUPP, immediately took advantage of the defeat. Where is Gerakan (no voice yet although Koh Tsu Koon was around in Sibu a lot during the campaign)? They started sending signals to UMNO. For example, Chua Soi Lek made the comments about fair implementation of policies. As far as I know, SUPP top guns made similar type of comments about fair implementation of policies which they have denied in the past. Thanks to this defeat, else the 'yes' men would never had a chance to speak out to the big brothers.
I think the government should stop bashing on the opposition. Most people do not like to see the nasty behavior exhibited by the BN politicians, such as expelling or suspending the opposition members in the State Assembly. The YBs or MPs were sent by the people to the legislative assembly and punishing them meant punishing the people. The friendly politicians would be more acceptable to vast majority of the people. For example, look at Lim Guan Eng. He is the Chief Minister of Penang, yet he is so humble and close to the people during the campaign period. Would you like to compare Taib and BN top guns to him, who acted like an emperor, having many body guards around and coming with the most luxurious car and living in a palace? We want to ask the question: who are you?
BN should work hand in hand with the opposition in solving the issues. The ultimate goal of the politics and government is to create a better living society for the people. Development fund, for example, should be allocated to the constituencies which are under the control of the opposition. Much of the money allocated to BN are wasted. Don't throw money around to your kids because you are going to corrupt and destroy them. Direct election of the local members are demanded by the people. Even a big part of the state constituencies of Sibu are under the opposition, there has been no councilors from the opposition. The people want their voice to be represented directly.
P.S. There are a lot more issues about Sibu associated with the failure of BN. I am not going to repeat them here.
The BN Chinese parties, such as MCA and SUPP, immediately took advantage of the defeat. Where is Gerakan (no voice yet although Koh Tsu Koon was around in Sibu a lot during the campaign)? They started sending signals to UMNO. For example, Chua Soi Lek made the comments about fair implementation of policies. As far as I know, SUPP top guns made similar type of comments about fair implementation of policies which they have denied in the past. Thanks to this defeat, else the 'yes' men would never had a chance to speak out to the big brothers.
I think the government should stop bashing on the opposition. Most people do not like to see the nasty behavior exhibited by the BN politicians, such as expelling or suspending the opposition members in the State Assembly. The YBs or MPs were sent by the people to the legislative assembly and punishing them meant punishing the people. The friendly politicians would be more acceptable to vast majority of the people. For example, look at Lim Guan Eng. He is the Chief Minister of Penang, yet he is so humble and close to the people during the campaign period. Would you like to compare Taib and BN top guns to him, who acted like an emperor, having many body guards around and coming with the most luxurious car and living in a palace? We want to ask the question: who are you?
BN should work hand in hand with the opposition in solving the issues. The ultimate goal of the politics and government is to create a better living society for the people. Development fund, for example, should be allocated to the constituencies which are under the control of the opposition. Much of the money allocated to BN are wasted. Don't throw money around to your kids because you are going to corrupt and destroy them. Direct election of the local members are demanded by the people. Even a big part of the state constituencies of Sibu are under the opposition, there has been no councilors from the opposition. The people want their voice to be represented directly.
P.S. There are a lot more issues about Sibu associated with the failure of BN. I am not going to repeat them here.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Rocket and Shuttle
How nice is this victory when compared with the space shuttle. They both reached the target on Sunday, May 16.
Published: Sunday May 16, 2010 MYT 9:28:00 PM
Shuttle closing in for space station docking
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP): Space shuttle Atlantis drew closer to the International Space Station for a Sunday morning linkup, as the astronauts - all 12 of them - excitedly awaited the 215-mile (346-kilometer)-high reunion.
Published: Sunday May 16, 2010 MYT 9:28:00 PM
Shuttle closing in for space station docking
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP): Space shuttle Atlantis drew closer to the International Space Station for a Sunday morning linkup, as the astronauts - all 12 of them - excitedly awaited the 215-mile (346-kilometer)-high reunion.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Election Commission should just admit that: yes, they played tricks. Even that, they could not win.
DAP - 18,845
BN - 18,447
Ind -232
Congratulation, the people's power and democracy!
I hope the DPM Muhyiddin has had a pleasant flight lari back to KL.
What is next for Sibu? Reformasi!
The whole SUPP team should be fired. Return the power back to the people.
Taib should also be fired because the b'U'y-election was about the referendum on him.
As indicated in the previous message, the people said NO to Najib's big shopping.
DAP - 18,845
BN - 18,447
Ind -232
Congratulation, the people's power and democracy!
I hope the DPM Muhyiddin has had a pleasant flight lari back to KL.
What is next for Sibu? Reformasi!
The whole SUPP team should be fired. Return the power back to the people.
Taib should also be fired because the b'U'y-election was about the referendum on him.
As indicated in the previous message, the people said NO to Najib's big shopping.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Say 'NO' to God of Wealth
Teach Najib and Barisan Nasional a lesson: we don't worship the God of Wealth! Najib, UMNO and SUPP insulted us because they thought we are less intelligent like Ulu Selangor.
Sorry Ulu Selngor, indeed your created such a record, or else Najib would have stopped doing it. Now, we, the people of Sibu, will stop him.
What Najib showed us is he is rich because he is controlling our money. Do you think such an idiot politician knows how to manage properly a country? He is spending our future. He is not just buying locally for what he wants, but also paying close to 100 millions to APCO in getting to meet Obama.
We are terribly sick of this BN government. They are going to bankrupt the country.
'one' Malaysia is just 'one' thing: big shopping or b'U'ying (and no brain)
Sorry Ulu Selngor, indeed your created such a record, or else Najib would have stopped doing it. Now, we, the people of Sibu, will stop him.
What Najib showed us is he is rich because he is controlling our money. Do you think such an idiot politician knows how to manage properly a country? He is spending our future. He is not just buying locally for what he wants, but also paying close to 100 millions to APCO in getting to meet Obama.
We are terribly sick of this BN government. They are going to bankrupt the country.
'one' Malaysia is just 'one' thing: big shopping or b'U'ying (and no brain)
Evaluation of SUPP candidate
We got to know better the SUPP candidate for this b'U'y-election. My general impression is he is not ready for the job. He is like a newbie and I could hardly believe that he has served the council for 17 years and has been a practicing lawyers for a while. I do not consider my view on him a personal attack, because I believe a representative should be open to our evaluation.
youtube part1 part 2
1. The appointment as the designated successor by Robert Lau Hoi Chew, because he is the cousin, is the first negative fact. He is from a super rich family with the corporation making its wealth from destroying the natural resources.
2. Sibu is a town of great intelligence and we thought we have best brains around to represent Sibu, such as Dr. Wong Soon Kai. We were already disappointed by the representatives such as the deceased Robert Lau and Tiong Tai King who are not the most well educated people in Sibu. New Robert Lau is a lawyer, studied in UK, but we found out that he attended a so so school, not better than our local universities, with a world ranking of 936.
3. Robert Lau does not speak well. His English is so so and his Mandarin is poor. The most important skill of a politician is public speaking. The speech should be convincing to the people. That is how Obama won the support of the people and world leaders. I would feel so malu if Sibu is represented by him. Compared to the politicians coming to Sibu over the past week, we could see how much better they are compared to our local politicians. Over the campaign period, he hardly made any good speech, and most of the time he was a puppet. The big brothers such as Wong Soon Koh and even MCA and UMNO leaders have to speak for him. I do not see any way he can speak for us, and likely he is another yes man.
4. His public service record is weak. In the video released on youtube, he admitted that his job was mainly on the toilet project. There are so many problems in Sibu to be solved by the politicians. We cannot afford to have this position filled by a trainee who said please give me a chance. We have to pick up one who is ready for the job.
5. Most fundamental issues about Sibu have not been addressed by the candidate and the ruling party: infrastructure, flooding, employment, university education, among others. The worst part is their use of big money (bribes) in trying to cover up all these problems. This b'U'y has greatly insulted our Sibu intelligence. If you are not ready to solve our problems, forget about our votes.
Honestly speaking, I am at a loss about the 'surprise' of the candidate that Taib mentioned not long after Robert Lau Hoi Chew passed away. Perhaps, nothing surprising coming out of this candidate was the 'surprise'
youtube part1 part 2
1. The appointment as the designated successor by Robert Lau Hoi Chew, because he is the cousin, is the first negative fact. He is from a super rich family with the corporation making its wealth from destroying the natural resources.
2. Sibu is a town of great intelligence and we thought we have best brains around to represent Sibu, such as Dr. Wong Soon Kai. We were already disappointed by the representatives such as the deceased Robert Lau and Tiong Tai King who are not the most well educated people in Sibu. New Robert Lau is a lawyer, studied in UK, but we found out that he attended a so so school, not better than our local universities, with a world ranking of 936.
3. Robert Lau does not speak well. His English is so so and his Mandarin is poor. The most important skill of a politician is public speaking. The speech should be convincing to the people. That is how Obama won the support of the people and world leaders. I would feel so malu if Sibu is represented by him. Compared to the politicians coming to Sibu over the past week, we could see how much better they are compared to our local politicians. Over the campaign period, he hardly made any good speech, and most of the time he was a puppet. The big brothers such as Wong Soon Koh and even MCA and UMNO leaders have to speak for him. I do not see any way he can speak for us, and likely he is another yes man.
4. His public service record is weak. In the video released on youtube, he admitted that his job was mainly on the toilet project. There are so many problems in Sibu to be solved by the politicians. We cannot afford to have this position filled by a trainee who said please give me a chance. We have to pick up one who is ready for the job.
5. Most fundamental issues about Sibu have not been addressed by the candidate and the ruling party: infrastructure, flooding, employment, university education, among others. The worst part is their use of big money (bribes) in trying to cover up all these problems. This b'U'y has greatly insulted our Sibu intelligence. If you are not ready to solve our problems, forget about our votes.
Honestly speaking, I am at a loss about the 'surprise' of the candidate that Taib mentioned not long after Robert Lau Hoi Chew passed away. Perhaps, nothing surprising coming out of this candidate was the 'surprise'
Friday, May 14, 2010
Vote for the change
The young generations have changed. Many of them know exactly why we need to have a change in the government and Sibu b'U'y election can be an important step.
However, we have many older generations who thought they owed the government. They owed Wong Soon Kai and then Lau Hui Chew, in particular through the tiny b'U'y that they got during the previous elections.
They did not know that it is the responsibility of the government to serve the people. There needs no special appreciation as we all are entitled to any help given by the elected government. That is the way I view it if I were the MP or YB. We elect them to serve us.
We need to convince the older generations to change. If you happen to be not living with your parents or if you are outside the country, talk to them or make a phone call, and ask them to go to vote.
Vote for the change. That would be one of the most fantastic jobs you can do for your country.
However, we have many older generations who thought they owed the government. They owed Wong Soon Kai and then Lau Hui Chew, in particular through the tiny b'U'y that they got during the previous elections.
They did not know that it is the responsibility of the government to serve the people. There needs no special appreciation as we all are entitled to any help given by the elected government. That is the way I view it if I were the MP or YB. We elect them to serve us.
We need to convince the older generations to change. If you happen to be not living with your parents or if you are outside the country, talk to them or make a phone call, and ask them to go to vote.
Vote for the change. That would be one of the most fantastic jobs you can do for your country.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Fundamental issues
With the coming of the God of Wealth, the fundamental issues in Sibu have been buried under the cash. I must say that the cash has shifted the focus of our major concerns.
Infrastructure, flooding, employment and university must be addressed by the Barisan Nasional toward the last stage of the campaign. The ruling party has been promising to solve the problems, but they were never solved. Rather, the problems are becoming more serious.
Long ruling of any political party is going to corrupt the system. Cronies grew bigger and bigger. We can see this clearly by looking at how the major companies (and United College) are tied to the political parties. With the power, one can secure more wealth from the people. There is increasing imbalance between the rich and poor Chinese, not to say between the Chinese and Dayak/Iban. This is not an issue about the race, but the rich and poor of all races.
Let’s see what will be popping up during the last few days of the campaign.
The international organisations should condemn Najib for openly buying votes during the elections. Was it the advice by APCO?
Infrastructure, flooding, employment and university must be addressed by the Barisan Nasional toward the last stage of the campaign. The ruling party has been promising to solve the problems, but they were never solved. Rather, the problems are becoming more serious.
Long ruling of any political party is going to corrupt the system. Cronies grew bigger and bigger. We can see this clearly by looking at how the major companies (and United College) are tied to the political parties. With the power, one can secure more wealth from the people. There is increasing imbalance between the rich and poor Chinese, not to say between the Chinese and Dayak/Iban. This is not an issue about the race, but the rich and poor of all races.
Let’s see what will be popping up during the last few days of the campaign.
The international organisations should condemn Najib for openly buying votes during the elections. Was it the advice by APCO?
Malay God of Wealth (財神爺)
Najib - the Santa as named by the media or better known as the God of Wealth in Chinese.
Unfortunately the Malay Santa was too busy and had too many clients to distribute his angpao. So he could not enter the temple or stay for longer. This is in contradiction to what SUPP politicians had announced beforehand - Santa will join in the procession. Even for such a simple matter, the SUPP cannot deliver the promise. They always talk big and either cannot deliver or will deliver very little.
After the Malay Santa gave the big angpao, we need some watchdogs to see that the money will be used in the right and transparent way. We don't want them to be wasted or flowing into the crocodile mouths of the cronies of SUPP politicians.
These angpao are not just for helping the Chinese schools, but the ultimate goal should be for helping the LOCAL economy. The projects should be done by the local companies, or a kind of NEP for Sibu in helping the employment. Again, be transparent in awarding the contracts.
Take the money and vote against corruption! You don't want to sell the soul of the Chinese. We will have to pay for it.
Unfortunately the Malay Santa was too busy and had too many clients to distribute his angpao. So he could not enter the temple or stay for longer. This is in contradiction to what SUPP politicians had announced beforehand - Santa will join in the procession. Even for such a simple matter, the SUPP cannot deliver the promise. They always talk big and either cannot deliver or will deliver very little.
After the Malay Santa gave the big angpao, we need some watchdogs to see that the money will be used in the right and transparent way. We don't want them to be wasted or flowing into the crocodile mouths of the cronies of SUPP politicians.
These angpao are not just for helping the Chinese schools, but the ultimate goal should be for helping the LOCAL economy. The projects should be done by the local companies, or a kind of NEP for Sibu in helping the employment. Again, be transparent in awarding the contracts.
Take the money and vote against corruption! You don't want to sell the soul of the Chinese. We will have to pay for it.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
b.s. for more than 40 years
Has been developing Sibu for more than 40 years, but SIbu is still under-developed.
Has been fixing the roads in Sibu for more than 40 years, but the roads are still sinking.
Has been cleaning the drains in Sibu for more than 40 years, but the drains are still blocked.
So can we trust you about the flood control? Show us the engineering plan and design instead of just bull shitting about it in the press conference.
Has been fixing the roads in Sibu for more than 40 years, but the roads are still sinking.
Has been cleaning the drains in Sibu for more than 40 years, but the drains are still blocked.
So can we trust you about the flood control? Show us the engineering plan and design instead of just bull shitting about it in the press conference.
I was a good student
The news mentioned that Robert Lau has the most books in his collection and how much he has been reading per day. That sounds very good, but why he attended such a lousy school in UK? More in which candidate is smarter?
刘会耀藏书最多 亦热衷球类玩冲浪
刘会耀藏书最多 亦热衷球类玩冲浪
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Internal Security Act
It would be even better if May 13 commemoration rally will go in Semananjung. Please do it and you will see the response of Sibu!
Can you imagine that freedom of speech is not guaranteed?
Whenever BN felt not comfortable, they would use ISA. This is another reason to reject BN. We should stop them for abusing their power.
Sarawak CID chief Huzir Mohamed has advised all political parties to stop using the "Allah" issue throughout the campaign period.
He said that it is a sensitive issue and warned that if campaigners persist, they could be detained for sedition or under the Internal Security Act.
Can you imagine that freedom of speech is not guaranteed?
Whenever BN felt not comfortable, they would use ISA. This is another reason to reject BN. We should stop them for abusing their power.
Sarawak CID chief Huzir Mohamed has advised all political parties to stop using the "Allah" issue throughout the campaign period.
He said that it is a sensitive issue and warned that if campaigners persist, they could be detained for sedition or under the Internal Security Act.
Chruches and politics
Churches are at the front line to seek the best for the people. They should even sacrifice their lives in protecting the people. Some twenty years ago, the Catholic church stood up to support the people"s power in the Philippines in order to get rid of the dictator Marcos. It was because the people suffered so much under the dictatorship, who was involved in abuse of power and corruptions. With the help of the Catholic church, the people won the democracy. This led to a change in the Philippines.
In the course of history, the church has also been blamed and in fact, carried a black name, because of their attitude of taking no action against Hitler that ended up in the Holocaust and lost of millions of Jewish lives......
So for the churches in Sibu, what course would you take? Don't tell me you do not want to be involved. The candidates are your believers. I hope you should make a decision instead of being political - trying to please the politicians who gave you funds.
In the course of history, the church has also been blamed and in fact, carried a black name, because of their attitude of taking no action against Hitler that ended up in the Holocaust and lost of millions of Jewish lives......
So for the churches in Sibu, what course would you take? Don't tell me you do not want to be involved. The candidates are your believers. I hope you should make a decision instead of being political - trying to please the politicians who gave you funds.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Ill-planned projects and candies during election is a waste of the people's money. Not just that, the money will lead to more serious corruptions, no matter if you give it to the Chinese community leaders or who else. This will only end up in the pockets of BN politicians.
In general, both parties are well prepared for the campaign. I think PR, especially, have done very well the homework. The assistance by the PR from Semananjung seems especially useful. DAP from the west are all good in Malay language and they help to penetrate into the Malay population. In addition, the help of Keadilan and PAS definitely allows to secure more Malay votes. If DAP is able to keep the previous Chinese votes and with an increase in non-Chinese votes, I think the victory is there.
In general, both parties are well prepared for the campaign. I think PR, especially, have done very well the homework. The assistance by the PR from Semananjung seems especially useful. DAP from the west are all good in Malay language and they help to penetrate into the Malay population. In addition, the help of Keadilan and PAS definitely allows to secure more Malay votes. If DAP is able to keep the previous Chinese votes and with an increase in non-Chinese votes, I think the victory is there.
Big and small thieves
The thief who drove away the car of the Selangor police chief returned the car to the street, and left a message: Sorry PDRM tesilap sapu (Sorry PDRM it was a mistake)
I think this thief is better than our BN politicians and he should be pardoned. First, he returned the car and then he admitted the mistake he made. If I were the thief, I would not have returned it so that I would add more embarrassment to the police.
The BN politicians are worst because,
First, our BN politicians thought they are entitled to steal from the people.
Second, they never admitted that they are doing anything wrong.
Third, they would never return the stolen wealth to us.
I hope the mansions of SUPP politicians will be put up in the web, and we compare them to the long houses and houses of the poor people.
Have you noticed the difference in the kind of cars that BN leaders are using (regular cars versus Mercedes and Lexus)? the kind of chairs they are sitting (coffe shop plastic chairs versus the sofa)? as they come to meet the people.
How many of the politicians here are rich because of their stealing of the people's wealth?
I think this thief is better than our BN politicians and he should be pardoned. First, he returned the car and then he admitted the mistake he made. If I were the thief, I would not have returned it so that I would add more embarrassment to the police.
The BN politicians are worst because,
First, our BN politicians thought they are entitled to steal from the people.
Second, they never admitted that they are doing anything wrong.
Third, they would never return the stolen wealth to us.
I hope the mansions of SUPP politicians will be put up in the web, and we compare them to the long houses and houses of the poor people.
Have you noticed the difference in the kind of cars that BN leaders are using (regular cars versus Mercedes and Lexus)? the kind of chairs they are sitting (coffe shop plastic chairs versus the sofa)? as they come to meet the people.
How many of the politicians here are rich because of their stealing of the people's wealth?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sibu becomes well known because of this b'U'y election. Let's learn some historical and cultural aspects of Sibu in a few minutes, if you were not aware of it.
Unfortunately the documentaries are in Mandarin.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Sibu's Ship building
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Sarikei shares many similarities with Sibu
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Unfortunately the documentaries are in Mandarin.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Sibu's Ship building
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Sarikei shares many similarities with Sibu
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Democracy requires regular change in government

To assure democracy, we need to have a change in government from time to time. This is a natural process in any democratic countries.
This was the basic philosophy of Dr. Lee Yuan Tseh (李遠哲), the first Taiwanese Nobel laureate, in supporting Chen Sui-ben leading to him being elected as the president of Taiwan in 2000. The change in government ended the dictatorship of the Nationalist party that had ruled Taiwan for more than half a century.
We, the people of Sibu, need to follow this philosophy!
Many people later blamed Dr Lee for supporting Chen, but he insisted that he made a significant contribution to democracy in Taiwan by allowing a change in the government.
When a ruling party does not perform, it will be judged by the people through election. This happened to Chen's party as well.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Consumption tax
Now it comes ......... the consumption tax
Do we think that those money used to buy votes in the b'U'y-elections is from the pocket of Najib? No, definitely not.
The people will have to pay for the price. We pay for Najib's generous shopping. In order to balance the budget, he needs to get the money from some where - from our pockets.
Consumption tax and higher tax rate would be awaiting for us, for both rich and poor, young and old.
Do we think that those money used to buy votes in the b'U'y-elections is from the pocket of Najib? No, definitely not.
The people will have to pay for the price. We pay for Najib's generous shopping. In order to balance the budget, he needs to get the money from some where - from our pockets.
Consumption tax and higher tax rate would be awaiting for us, for both rich and poor, young and old.
Stupid person praised by low-IQ person
Why is the guru besar of UNIMAS trying to praise about Laila Taib College?
You have to realise that Unimas is one of the worst local universities. Your world ranking is 3441. You are the worst among the major government universities in Malaysia.
Your praise of LTK is like a person of low IQ praising a stupid person. Don't treat us Sibu people as stupid. There is a Chinese saying: When crossing the river, the clay Buddha cannot protect himself. Indeed Unimas needs to first improve itself, and how can you try to save LTK with your current ranking?
You can go and sign a thousand papers of memorandum. What is the purpose of doing so? It is meaningless. By doing so, you cannot become better by default.
More about Laila Taib College here: 2012
You have to realise that Unimas is one of the worst local universities. Your world ranking is 3441. You are the worst among the major government universities in Malaysia.
Your praise of LTK is like a person of low IQ praising a stupid person. Don't treat us Sibu people as stupid. There is a Chinese saying: When crossing the river, the clay Buddha cannot protect himself. Indeed Unimas needs to first improve itself, and how can you try to save LTK with your current ranking?
You can go and sign a thousand papers of memorandum. What is the purpose of doing so? It is meaningless. By doing so, you cannot become better by default.
More about Laila Taib College here: 2012
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Why Alfred Jabu and not Soon Koh?
The politicians are so blinded about democracy and thought they can simply hand-pick their successors. The biggest recent joke being Mahathir picking up sleeping Abdullah that happened to be a political disaster. Tun Rahman picked up his nephew, Soon Kai picked up his cousin, and Robert Lau picked up his cousin......
Now Tun Rahman wanted to name another successor for his nephew. But he definitely named a wrong person. I may as well ask why it is Alfred Jabu and not George Chan or Wong Soon Koh? The reason is very simple. Under current BN structure, only the biggest party can be the decision maker, just like UMNO is dominating the Malaysian politics where MCA and MIC are just for decoration purpose. Yes, SUPP is there only for decoration purpose and served no other purpose. On the other hand, under the PR structure, any competent person can be the chief minister like in Pulau Pinang.
Alfred Jabu, Wong Soon Koh and George Chan are the worst politicians. They stick to the old tradition of securing their positions by praising Taib, suggesting Taib to continue leading the State. They do not advocate for democracy but for dictatorship. They can sell their race for their own benefit. Look at the situation of the whole Iban/Dayak community that is more obvious to us. A very common stupid thing they did was to support Taib as a motion in the State Assembly during the Haze Disaster. Guys, do you still remember the suffering of the people when Taib enjoyed a trip to Canada by twisting the fact? Yes, SUPP was supporting it blindly so that they can secure their position under Taib.
The presence of Taib - Soon Koh combination is the worst for Sibu, yet Taib could not elevate the status of Sibu in 2005. It is not just the Chinese who suffered greatly under Taib. The Malays are under serious threat. We saw pieces after pieces of Malay kampung disappeared from the Sibu map after being converted into commercial properties.
Recently Soon Koh could sell the people's college for 1 ringgit and renamed it Laila Taib College, under the name of Taib Mahmud's late wife. This was just to please Taib! These politicians could do anything to you in order to secure their own position.
That is all they have been doing and they can do. They are just the songbirds for Taib. They are just holding balls, or called 'Hulingpa' in Foochow (or you can pronounce it as 'falling apart' if you do not speak Foochow). So we better wake up now! Rejecting BN is the only way to change the political structure and to eliminate such family politics and dictatorship in Sarawak.
Now Tun Rahman wanted to name another successor for his nephew. But he definitely named a wrong person. I may as well ask why it is Alfred Jabu and not George Chan or Wong Soon Koh? The reason is very simple. Under current BN structure, only the biggest party can be the decision maker, just like UMNO is dominating the Malaysian politics where MCA and MIC are just for decoration purpose. Yes, SUPP is there only for decoration purpose and served no other purpose. On the other hand, under the PR structure, any competent person can be the chief minister like in Pulau Pinang.
Alfred Jabu, Wong Soon Koh and George Chan are the worst politicians. They stick to the old tradition of securing their positions by praising Taib, suggesting Taib to continue leading the State. They do not advocate for democracy but for dictatorship. They can sell their race for their own benefit. Look at the situation of the whole Iban/Dayak community that is more obvious to us. A very common stupid thing they did was to support Taib as a motion in the State Assembly during the Haze Disaster. Guys, do you still remember the suffering of the people when Taib enjoyed a trip to Canada by twisting the fact? Yes, SUPP was supporting it blindly so that they can secure their position under Taib.
The presence of Taib - Soon Koh combination is the worst for Sibu, yet Taib could not elevate the status of Sibu in 2005. It is not just the Chinese who suffered greatly under Taib. The Malays are under serious threat. We saw pieces after pieces of Malay kampung disappeared from the Sibu map after being converted into commercial properties.
Recently Soon Koh could sell the people's college for 1 ringgit and renamed it Laila Taib College, under the name of Taib Mahmud's late wife. This was just to please Taib! These politicians could do anything to you in order to secure their own position.
That is all they have been doing and they can do. They are just the songbirds for Taib. They are just holding balls, or called 'Hulingpa' in Foochow (or you can pronounce it as 'falling apart' if you do not speak Foochow). So we better wake up now! Rejecting BN is the only way to change the political structure and to eliminate such family politics and dictatorship in Sarawak.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
2012? Laila Taib College
2012 is definitely sooner than 2020, the well known Wawasan 2020. But do you think we will get a university in Sibu if supporting BN during this b'U'y election? My answer is NO.
Sibu to become city in 2005 was an empty promise. It was just a slogan to win the elections. Without fulfilling the promise, the Wawasan team members still do not dare to apologise publicly to the citizens of Sibu. Robert Lau has died and we will never hear his word of apology. We have trusted them in the past, and do we still want to be treated like a 3-year old child?
During previous state election, the same tactic was used by a BN candidate in promising the TARC campus in Bintangor. Even a piece of land was cleared with a construction sign board to make thing looked more real. Of course, nothing happened after the BN candidate won the election. So we should be extra-careful with what BN promised.
Najib better declare that Laila Taib College is renamed Laila Taib University now. There is no need to wait until 2012.
We do not see any plan for Laila Taib College to be changed into a university. If with Wong Soon Koh's son continuing to be the CEO, how can you call it a university with the top not having a PeeHD degree? These people are continuing to treat Laila Taib College as a family business. Remember the Chinese saying not to let the fertile water to flow into other people's rice field. There is no plan of hiring the teaching staffs. If it is for 2012, the hiring should have started by now. You don't come and tell us a kindergarten will be named a primary school tomorrow, with the same teachers.
The whole thing is at most to make it a branch of Unimas with the lecturers flying in and out of Sibu everyday? Or to get a few lousy lecturers. Will you then call it a university? Will we send the children to this kind of ochipara university? We already rejected it as a college and people continue to send their children to outside Sibu. With this Wawasan team, there is no way they can run the college properly, if putting own benefit above public interest. They can only deliver something inferior to us.
If Najib cannot declare the status of university in Sibu now, we may as well wait until 2012 and then see if it happens or not. Then we can decide to vote for BN or not. After having learned several lessons in the past, we should not rush to vote for BN.
So the verdict vote for BN should be a NO.
Sibu to become city in 2005 was an empty promise. It was just a slogan to win the elections. Without fulfilling the promise, the Wawasan team members still do not dare to apologise publicly to the citizens of Sibu. Robert Lau has died and we will never hear his word of apology. We have trusted them in the past, and do we still want to be treated like a 3-year old child?
During previous state election, the same tactic was used by a BN candidate in promising the TARC campus in Bintangor. Even a piece of land was cleared with a construction sign board to make thing looked more real. Of course, nothing happened after the BN candidate won the election. So we should be extra-careful with what BN promised.
Najib better declare that Laila Taib College is renamed Laila Taib University now. There is no need to wait until 2012.
We do not see any plan for Laila Taib College to be changed into a university. If with Wong Soon Koh's son continuing to be the CEO, how can you call it a university with the top not having a PeeHD degree? These people are continuing to treat Laila Taib College as a family business. Remember the Chinese saying not to let the fertile water to flow into other people's rice field. There is no plan of hiring the teaching staffs. If it is for 2012, the hiring should have started by now. You don't come and tell us a kindergarten will be named a primary school tomorrow, with the same teachers.
The whole thing is at most to make it a branch of Unimas with the lecturers flying in and out of Sibu everyday? Or to get a few lousy lecturers. Will you then call it a university? Will we send the children to this kind of ochipara university? We already rejected it as a college and people continue to send their children to outside Sibu. With this Wawasan team, there is no way they can run the college properly, if putting own benefit above public interest. They can only deliver something inferior to us.
If Najib cannot declare the status of university in Sibu now, we may as well wait until 2012 and then see if it happens or not. Then we can decide to vote for BN or not. After having learned several lessons in the past, we should not rush to vote for BN.
So the verdict vote for BN should be a NO.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Limbang issue is always in the mind of Sarawakians. Was it around 1970's when Datuk James Wong was jailed and rejailed because of his voice in the Limbang issue (or he was accused of trading off Limbang)? He became a free man only after he switched SNAP from the opposition to join the ruling party.
Now we suddenly heard of the undertable deal between Malaysia and Brunei about the oil resources near Limbang. Basically we abandoned the wealth. Abdullah and Najib did it without consulting the parliament. Tengku Razaleigh and Mahathir had smelled it, but it took so long until the whole thing started to surface.
Abdullah and Najib sold Sarawak away. How much more are we going to lose from this undertable deal? Do we still want to put our future on BN?
Perkasa, are you ready to fight with BN and Brunei on this serious problem?
Now we suddenly heard of the undertable deal between Malaysia and Brunei about the oil resources near Limbang. Basically we abandoned the wealth. Abdullah and Najib did it without consulting the parliament. Tengku Razaleigh and Mahathir had smelled it, but it took so long until the whole thing started to surface.
Abdullah and Najib sold Sarawak away. How much more are we going to lose from this undertable deal? Do we still want to put our future on BN?
Perkasa, are you ready to fight with BN and Brunei on this serious problem?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hantu b'U'y election
It is very very funny with this b'U'y election. This has probably never happened before in our local history.
First of all, a great local politician named his cousin as successor before he passed away. It was not a sudden death and thus he had had a bit of time to lay down the ground for his cousin.
Then the legacy of this deceased politician became a major part of the b'U'y election. The prodigy candidate jumped many grades (sorry, Soon Choon Teck, David Teng, and many others permanent assistant ministers), despite the fact that he graduated from a university with world ranking of 936 - came close to our local u.
In addition, the prime minister came to worship Wong Nai Siong, in order to tell the local Chinese how close he is to this dead man, as a way to b'U'y the Chinese votes with zero ringgit because Wong Nai Siong has been portrayed as a Foochow God by SUPP.
We are not electing politician based on the candidate himself, as he is less well known. He hardly speaks publicly and seems to have limited idea. He rather employed the big brother agents such as Wong Soon Koh to do the promotion for him. He is behind the scene.
We are now told to elect the new politician based on the spirit of the deceased persons. It also depends on how good are his agents. This is like electing hantu.
First of all, a great local politician named his cousin as successor before he passed away. It was not a sudden death and thus he had had a bit of time to lay down the ground for his cousin.
Then the legacy of this deceased politician became a major part of the b'U'y election. The prodigy candidate jumped many grades (sorry, Soon Choon Teck, David Teng, and many others permanent assistant ministers), despite the fact that he graduated from a university with world ranking of 936 - came close to our local u.
In addition, the prime minister came to worship Wong Nai Siong, in order to tell the local Chinese how close he is to this dead man, as a way to b'U'y the Chinese votes with zero ringgit because Wong Nai Siong has been portrayed as a Foochow God by SUPP.
We are not electing politician based on the candidate himself, as he is less well known. He hardly speaks publicly and seems to have limited idea. He rather employed the big brother agents such as Wong Soon Koh to do the promotion for him. He is behind the scene.
We are now told to elect the new politician based on the spirit of the deceased persons. It also depends on how good are his agents. This is like electing hantu.
Liars in the Press Conference
Where is Soon Choon Teck? He no longer appears in the press conference. But I saw a few interesting reports about how SUPP lied to the people.
Daniel Ngien suggested the people to give the young blood a chance, but did these old goodies of SUPP ever give their young people a chance? They gave it only to their cousin.
Soon Koh accused Kit Siang of the father-son combination in DAP. This is exactly what I meant by the family tie in politics. Look at Taib Mahmud and his son, how Taib got the job from Tun Rahman, how Robert Lau wanted to transfer the job to his cousin. and how Soon Koh made his son the CEO of the United College.
Soo Koh accused DAP of cooperating with PAS. But, who is cooperating with Perkasa? Perkasa is worst than PAS, which has not done anything bad since ruling Kelantan. This Soon Koh is slapping at his own face for what he has said.
There are a lot more statements by Soon Koh that did not make sense. For example, he mentioned that throwing in a few million ringgit by the federal government was not because of the b'U'y election. He also accused Pakatan Rakyat for driving the people out of Malaysia. He does not need to tell us in Sibu about this because everyone know the answer.
Soon Koh and his associates are truly liars who wanted to fool the people. It is a big mistake to try to underestimate our mentality. We are now much smarter than before.
Daniel Ngien suggested the people to give the young blood a chance, but did these old goodies of SUPP ever give their young people a chance? They gave it only to their cousin.
Soon Koh accused Kit Siang of the father-son combination in DAP. This is exactly what I meant by the family tie in politics. Look at Taib Mahmud and his son, how Taib got the job from Tun Rahman, how Robert Lau wanted to transfer the job to his cousin. and how Soon Koh made his son the CEO of the United College.
Soo Koh accused DAP of cooperating with PAS. But, who is cooperating with Perkasa? Perkasa is worst than PAS, which has not done anything bad since ruling Kelantan. This Soon Koh is slapping at his own face for what he has said.
There are a lot more statements by Soon Koh that did not make sense. For example, he mentioned that throwing in a few million ringgit by the federal government was not because of the b'U'y election. He also accused Pakatan Rakyat for driving the people out of Malaysia. He does not need to tell us in Sibu about this because everyone know the answer.
Soon Koh and his associates are truly liars who wanted to fool the people. It is a big mistake to try to underestimate our mentality. We are now much smarter than before.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
explain! why?
Wong Soon Koh, please don't tell us about the 3 million ringgit budget for flood control. We cannot trust you and your team.
Explain, why the following failed:-
. Sibu to become a city in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,..never
. keep telling us about flood control for several decades, yet there is still flooding
. keep filling the roads and yet the roads are still sinking
. university in Sibu
. more (to be added)
Can you give us more job opportunities? can you guarantee each one of us in Sibu to get a job (in the government or Rimbuan Hijau or KTS)
Why Robert Lau does not speak and Wong Soon Koh keeps campaigning for him? Does the candidate know what to do? Is the candidate incompetent to such an extent?
Explain, why the following failed:-
. Sibu to become a city in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,..never
. keep telling us about flood control for several decades, yet there is still flooding
. keep filling the roads and yet the roads are still sinking
. university in Sibu
. more (to be added)
Can you give us more job opportunities? can you guarantee each one of us in Sibu to get a job (in the government or Rimbuan Hijau or KTS)
Why Robert Lau does not speak and Wong Soon Koh keeps campaigning for him? Does the candidate know what to do? Is the candidate incompetent to such an extent?
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